Timber must meet the same fire safety standards as other building materials and even has advantages: Wood burns predictably and retains its load-bearing capacity for a long time even when the outside is charred. Because wooden buildings are safe, since 2015 high-rise buildings, hospitals or hotels may also be built using wooden construction methods. We are specialists in fire protection and help you to realize your building project.
We would be happy to support you with your construction project. Contact our fire protection specialists.
Technician HF Wood Construction
Fire protection expert VKF with federal diploma
Specialist for fire protection in timber construction (Lignum)
Acquisition Manager
Branche Management Berne member
BSc Wood Construction
Fire protection expert VKF with federal diploma
Specialist for fire protection in timber construction (Lignum)
Branche Management Zurich chairman
Many engineers and timber technicians in the Timbatec team have completed training as VKF fire protection specialists with a federal certificate and/or additional training as VKF fire protection experts with a federal diploma.
Many of the employees are also accredited on the Lignum list of ‘Fire protection specialists in timber construction’.
This serves as a recommendation for the activity as a fire protection specialist in timber construction in accordance with the Lignum documentation Fire Protection 2.1 ‘Building with wood - Quality assurance in fire protection’ and documents the VKF qualification for the activity as QA responsible for fire protection.
Our range of services in the field of fire protection:
Our engineers will be pleased to accompany you as specialist planners from the preliminary project to the construction. We offer the full range of services in the planning of timber construction projects and are thus the ideal partner for your building project. Our range of services is structured according to the SIA phases and is adapted to your individual needs:
31 Preliminary project - utilization agreement
In the pre-project phase, we develop a utilization agreement with all details that have an impact on the areas of statics and construction, fire protection and building physics. The protection goals for a building project are defined and possible solutions are presented. We show you the effects on costs, deadlines, safety and the environment.
32 Building project - fire protection concept
In the building project, our engineers (fire protection specialist VKF or specialist fire protection in timber construction, Lignum list) develop a fire protection concept. The fire compartments and escape routes are designed and the necessary extinguishing equipment and fire alarm systems are defined. For combustible facades, we create a facade fire protection concept.
33 Approval procedure and 41 Invitation to tender, comparison of bids, application for award of contract
We prepare the necessary technical documents for the building application. We compile the tender documents and assessment reports and compare offers with regard to quality and quantity, unit prices, cost-effectiveness, types of execution, work organization, site equipment and deadlines. For the conclusion of this phase we prepare a report with the comparison of the offers and an award application for the specialist areas of statics and construction, fire protection and building physics.
51 Execution project - work planning
In the execution project, our technicians prepare the work planning and draw workshop plans in three dimensions. They use the cadwork software for this. All our technicians have years of planning and construction site experience. Our details are therefore technically highly solved and practical. If the workshop plans are prepared by third parties, we check them for compliance with the fire protection plans and the fire protection concept.
52 Execution and 53 Commissioning, Completion - Quality Assurance QSS 1 to QSS 4
During the execution phase, we monitor the construction work and check that building materials and fire protection equipment are used and processed in accordance with regulations. One focus is on the extinguishing systems, the sprinkler systems, the fire alarm systems or the smoke extraction systems. We advise architects and construction managers and participate in construction meetings where necessary. We offer quality assurance for the quality assurance levels QSS 1, QSS 2, QSS 3 and QSS 4. For project completion, we obtain the necessary documents such as traced plans, schematic plans, instructions for use and maintenance, and compile the construction files. Furthermore, we update the plans of the executed structure and adjust the user agreement.