With our six locations, we serve customers and construction projects from close proximity. Timbatec attaches great importance to ideal office locations. That is why you will find our offices close to the train station. We look forward to your visit in Zurich, Bern, Thun, Delémont, Lucerne and Vienna.
Office Thun
Niesenstrasse 1, 3600 Thun
thun@timbatec.ch , +41 58 255 15 10
Zurich office
Ausstellungsstrasse 36, 8005 Zurich
zuerich@timbatec.ch , +41 58 255 15 20
Bern office
Falkenplatz 1, 3012 Bern
bern@timbatec.ch, +41 58 255 15 30
Office Delémont
Rue du Jura 1, 2800 Delémont
delemont@timbatec.ch,+41 58 255 15 40
Office Lucerne
Alpenquai 28A, 6005 Luzern
lzrntmbtcch , +41 58 255 15 50
Vienna Office
Im Werd 6/31a, 1020 Vienna
wien@timbatec.at , +43 720 2733 01