Timber building with wide cantilever balconies


In the village center of Gretzenbach in the canton of Solothurn, a wooden building is being constructed with twelve apartments and a village store. The balconies cantilever over 3.5 meters - without any disturbing supports. A sophisticated suspended construction makes it possible.

The new building at Köllikerstrasse 29 in Gretzenbach consists of four full floors and a basement. On the first floor and a community room will be built on the ground floor, with apartments apartments will be built above. Above the basement is a concreted intercepting ceiling on which the building stands in timber frame construction. The massive staircase and selected interior walls are responsible for the building bracing.

A special feature of this building is the cantilevered balconies. In order to do without disturbing supports on the first floor and on the parapet terrace, we developed a suspended construction. A centrally arranged wall plate and steel parts absorb the forces of the balconies and of the balconies and transfer them into the exterior wall and ceiling construction. Here you can twist and turn the ingenious detail as you like.


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