Semidetached house Burenweg, Zurich


The listed double dwelling house from the 16th century had to be repaired. The building fabric was to be preserved and the living comfort brought up to a modest but contemporary standard.

Facts and images
Construction Data
View from the street side
View from the street side
View of the back of the house
View of the back of the house
Swedish oven on new parquet
Swedish oven on new parquet
Old tiled stove
Old tiled stove

The project
The originally purely wooden building, which dates back to about 1565, was built as a double dwelling house from the very beginning. In its long building history, numerous alterations can be recorded, which, however, never fundamentally changed the basic structural substance. Thus, significant parts of the original building are still preserved. The property has been under protection since 1973. The soot-blackened roof truss, as well as the plank walls and infilled framing are to a large extent still in good condition. The house comprises a 4 ½- and a 5 ½-room apartment as well as other rooms, including an attached former washhouse, which now houses a studio.

The construction
The building envelope had to be comprehensively repaired. Timbatec was responsible for the professional implementation of the fire protection and energy measures. In addition, the building's technical installations were replaced and extended so that a contemporary standard was created. In addition, the building fabric was examined for its load-bearing capacity and upgraded where necessary.

The challenge
The old timber-framed building had to be preserved as far as possible for reasons of monument preservation. The usability and habitability were to be secured in the long term. All the wooden beam ceilings could be preserved, although they also had to be upgraded in terms of fire protection.

Construction Data

- framed construction

- Wooden beam ceiling

Services of Timbatec

- SIA Phase 31 Preliminary project

- Fire protection Quality assurance QSS2

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- Fire protection planning

- Statics and construction

- Site management and site inspections

- SIA Phase 41 Tendering and comparison of offers

- Civil engineering services

Hotz&Hotz Architekten 8001 Zurich

City of Zurich - Office for Structural Engineering 8021 Zurich

Timber constructionengineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG 8006 Zurich

Kübler AG 8616 Oetwil am See

Juliet Haller, Office for Urban Development 8021 Zurich


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