Addition Greulich, Zürich


In the middle of the city of Zurich, two apartment buildings were raised. The additional floor provides space for 8 smaller apartments.

Facts and images
Construction Data
Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
View from kitchen to courtyard
View from kitchen to courtyard
Roof terrace (Photos: Roger Frei Zurich)
Roof terrace (Photos: Roger Frei Zurich)

The project
On Stauffacherstrasse and Herman-Greulich-Strasse, two residential buildings were raised. These had to be converted in the inhabited building. The new penthouses have atriums that can be used as quiet outdoor spaces. In addition, the atria serve as access to the roof terraces and bring a lot of daylight into the interior of the apartments.

The construction
The extension was built as a timber frame construction. The existing beam floor was retained and reinforced with horizontal glulam beams in the spaces between the beams. This kept the ceiling structure slim, which resulted in more room height in the new attic apartments.

The challenge
The additions did not present any major challenges. However, the rafters had to be retained due to building regulations. These were doubled as reinforcement.

Construction Data

- Gross floor area: 729 m2

- Roof elements: 700 m2

- Glulam reinforcements: 108 m3

Services of Timbatec

- SIA Phase 11 Condition analysis

- SIA Phase 21 Structural analysis

- SIA Phase 31 Preliminary project

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- SIA Phase 52 Execution

- Statics and construction

Peter Moor GmbH Architect ETH/SIA 8006 Zurich

Timberconstruction engineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG 8005 Zurich

Timber construction
Kost Holzbau AG 6403 Küssnacht A. R.

Civil engineer
Ingenieurbureau Heierli AG 8006 Zurich

Building physics
Raumanzug GmbH 8003 Zurich


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