House Rümelbach, Rümlang


The house Rümelbach in Rümlang is a new building that meets various needs of the population. Youth meeting, training, adult education or even a playgroup find a place in one place.

Facts and images
Construction Data
The portico with the visible joists
The portico with the visible joists
View from the building
View from the building
Construction and facade are made of wood
Construction and facade are made of wood

The project
House Rümelbach in Rümlang is a new building that contains several uses. The oblong building floor plan is divided into two parts by the shared entrance area. In the northern wing, which has two floors, training rooms and meeting rooms are arranged on the first floor. In the basement, which is also accessible at ground level, there are rooms for a playgroup. On the first floor on the southern side is the youth club with a lounge and kitchen.

The construction method
The first floor was built mostly in timber construction. The minimally sloped roof consists of a box girder element. Where no load-bearing exterior or interior walls could be formed, the loads were transferred by means of visible beams. The exterior walls as well as the interior walls are designed as timber frame construction. In the area of the staircase, the reinforced concrete walls are extended to below the roof.

The challenge
One challenge was the bracing of the timber structure. Due to the narrow and long ground plan of the building, the long lateral wings created large forces on the concrete core located in the center.

Construction Data

- Structural timber 60 m3

- Three-layer boards 700 m2

- Soft fiberboard 300 m2

- OSB board 280 m2

Construction costs

- BKP 214 approx. CHF 620'000.00

Services of Timbatec

- SIA Phase 31 Preliminary project

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- SIA Phase 41 Tender and comparison of offers

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- SIA Phase 52 Execution

Gemeindeverwaltung Rümlang
8153 Rümlang

abp Architekten GmbH
8406 Winterthur

Timber construction engineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure (Schweiz) AG Bern
3012 Bern

Timber construction
Kübler Holzbau AG
8618 Oetwil am See

Construction management
abp Architekten GmbH
8406 Winterthur

Photos by architect Daniel Brütsch