Circular Tower, Burgdorf

2022, 1. Rang

With the CircularTower project, circular construction is researched and made tangible in the form of a real laboratory. Companies, educational and research institutions as well as associations will occupy the future CircularTower together with TecLab.

Facts and images
Construction Data

The project
The project proposal SETZKASTEN by Inhelder Osterwalder Architekten GmbH consists of two volumes: a seven-story, wooden main building and an open, filigree and green staircase tower. The first two upper floors are used for events, seminars and further education and are heated. The other three floors provide unheated space for the flexible research and residential modules. The top floor is primarily a public viewing platform, an expansion reserve, and a place for technology.

The construction method
In cooperation with Timbatec Holzbauingenieure, a simple and economical supporting structure was developed, which stands on screw foundations. The closed facades, with a core of prefabricated wooden elements and ecological insulation, are made of reused aluminum or trapezoidal sheets from demolition sites. All components are separable and the materials can be reused after deconstruction. The wind turbine mounted on the façade, the PV modules on the building envelope, the collectors on the roof, as well as the gravity electricity storage system contribute to an energy self-sufficient functioning of the building services and communicate this to the outside.


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