The Austrian Federal Ministry for the Environment supports timber construction projects with up to one euro per kilogram of wood used and a maximum of half a million euros per project and applicant. This is a clear commitment to wood as a building material. Timbatec welcomes this initiative and encourages all building owners to submit their projects.
Wood is a naturally renewable raw material that requires only solar energy and water for its production. solar energy and water for its production. Harvesting and processing require very little and the material also stores CO₂. One cubic meter of wood reduces the burden on the atmosphere by around one ton of this greenhouse gas. Wooden buildings are not only more environmentally friendly than comparable construction projects made of steel and concrete, but are also usually completed more quickly. The elements for a are prefabricated to the millimeter and transported to the construction site with millimeter precision. This means that even large buildings can be erected in just a few days. height in just a few days. This is convincing more and more to build with wood.
Commitment of the Federal Ministry
wood is a sustainable raw material and building with wood contributes to
climate protection, the Austrian Federal Ministry for the Environment is providing
Agriculture, regions and tourism incentives for the increased use
of wood as a raw material. New buildings as well as additions and extensions of
multi-storey residential buildings in timber construction. Timbatec encourages all
developers to submit their projects on the website. umweltfoerderung.at
Start of the call CO₂-Bonus of measure 9
As of
applications for the CO₂ bonus can be submitted via the website of Kommunal Kredit Public Consulting.
A total of 20 million euros is available for the CO₂ bonus from the Forest Fund.
million euros are available for the CO₂ bonus from the Forest Fund. The submission deadline for the first
Call is 07 October 2021, 17:00.
The funding will be awarded in the form of a one-time
investment grant and is dependent on the amount of wood used.
wood. The subsidy is calculated at 1 euro per kg of wood used and is
limited to a maximum of 50% of the total eligible construction costs. The maximum
possible subsidy for companies is 200,000 euros as a "de minimis" subsidy.
subsidy. For non-competitors, the maximum possible subsidy is
500,000 euros.
Detailed information can be found here: Link
Display image: Naturquartier Kufstein, renderwerk.at