This coming weekend, the population of the Canton of Bern will vote on a climate protection article - Timbatec says YES. Because: We are in favor of climate protection, and building with wood makes a significant contribution to this. In today's edition of "Der Bund" Stefan Zöllig explains why we have to stop building with steel and concrete.
Steel and concrete are the dominant building materials - and they are very CO₂-intensive. In 2019, cement plants in Switzerland alone were responsible for a good responsible for a good 6 percent of national CO₂ emissions, making the construction industry as a whole a climate a climate polluter. Wood on the other hand, stores CO₂ during its growth, around one ton per cubic meter. If the wood is burned after it is felled or if the dead tree decays in the forest, the CO₂ is released again. This does not happen if it is used for building. Then it remains stored - at least as long as the building or the component exists. If we want to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, then we have to stop building with steel and concrete now and focus instead on wood construction. wood construction instead.
Stefan Zöllig explains the advantages of timber construction over other building methods. construction methods. He explains how new developments such as TS3 technology or the the wooden basement will shake up the construction market. Photo: Barbara Héritier
Click here to read thereport in "Der Bund" on September 20, 2021.
For more information on the climate protection article, please follow this link.
This is what the Initiative Holz BE says:Link media release